What We Do
We support young adults who have neurodiverse needs and disabilities aged between 18 and 40,
We recognise their potential for growth and development in an environment where they can feel valued and listened to and they can understand their role in contributing to the wider community. To support this process we work in partnership with their families and professionals in order to build a lasting legacy.
We have a passion for working together to embrace opportunities which support young adults with additional needs holistically. Our intended impact is for young adults with additional needs to be more confident, resilient and independent individuals who are empowered to reach their potential.
Our fee is £71.50 per day and we are open 9:30am - 4:00pm Monday to Thursday. We encourage you to visit so that anyone who shows an interest in attending Sapphire can experience the provision and make an informed choice before making a final decision.
What We Offer
The choice of daily activities are led by the young adults themselves depending on their social care targets, their abilities and taking into consideration their likes and dislikes.
Our main aims are to enhance their independence and build upon their life skills, consider and understand personal health and wellbeing, take part in community activities with movements towards being an active member of a community and also to have fun and make friends along the way.
Each week will be planned in advance so the young adults are aware of what they will be doing and if they need to bring anything specific for the activities.
There are themed weeks throughout the year to celebrate and recognise particular events that happen such as Remembrance day, World Mental health day, Internet Safety week and some less recognised ones such as Disney day, National tell a joke day and National fish and chip day fpr example.
As part of valuing the diversity of our young adults we will also recognise a range of cultural or religious festivities as well as specific disability awareness days.
We take into consideration the needs of each young adult who attends Sapphire and try to make their experience as fun and rewarding as possible.
Our Vision
L – Life skills development that will equip young people for life
E – Empowering young people to be part of influencing a positive change
G – Guiding young people to make informed choices about their future
A – Aspirational goals to encourage young people to achieve more
C – Community involvement and encourage a sense of belonging with other young adults
Y – Young person centred by encouraging them to develop their skills to be the best they can be
Key areas we focus on...
Life Skills and Independence
Communication skills and different ways to communicate effectively
Planning a meal: budgeting for ingredients, shopping and paying for ingredients, cooking a meal, laying a table and serving a meal, clearing a table and washing up
Planning a journey and using different forms of transport
Personal hygiene routines: bathing, oral hygiene, washing hands
Etiquette and boundaries when in public spaces
Sorting clothes for washing, using a washing machine, using a dryer, using an iron
General household upkeep: sweeping, hoovering, dusting, polishing, cleaning
Food hygiene
Health and Welbeing
Physical health : why it is important, consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, benefits of a healthy lifestyle, taking part in different sports and activities
Mental health : what it means, why it is important, strategies to use, benefits of using the strategies, mindfulness, talking sessions
Eating well : food and drink, benefits of having a balanced diet, consequences of eating unhealthily, trying different foods
Personal health : knowing important information, making and attending appointments, where to find support
Basic life saving skills and some first aid skills training
Visits from or to services : fire service, local PCS0, health services
Working with others such as charities, organisations and other services
Working alongside each other, turn taking, sharing interests and communicating
Researching and taking part in clubs of interest and hobbies
Travelling to different communities
Knowing how to use social networks safely
Investigating different cultures
Visiting places of interest
Organising and attending community events
Outdoor activities
Residential experiences